Academy for Jewish Religion, Calif.
Clergy & Alumni Assn.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Adult Jewish Educators--Online

  • 26 Mar 2017
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (PDT)


  • Any graduate of the AJRCA.

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This 2-hour presentation will focus on transformative  learning, choosing texts, creating substantial interactivity, and juggling multiple goals such as literacy and relevancy. Examples will be drawn from Melton School curricula.

Learn with Rabbi Morey Schwartz, the Director of Education of the Melton School. From the Melton Institute at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Morey supervises the content and the delivery of the Melton School curriculum. He is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Melton’s core curriculum, as well as the production of the Rachel Wasserman Scholar's Curriculum, a specially designed series of courses for Melton graduates. His work also focuses on ensuring the highest standards of adult education excellence through the development and implementation of in-service training and enrichment for Melton faculty worldwide. He is a graduate of Yeshiva University in New York, with a Master’s Degree from the Bernard Revel Graduate School and rabbinic ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University. He is a doctoral candidate at the William Davidon Graduate School of Education, researching and writing his dissertation on the impact of communally sponsored Jewish adult education upon the social capital of a Jewish community. Morey is a former faculty member of the Greater Kansas City Melton school.

@ AJR CAA 2015
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